Children & Families Ministry

Nursery - 5th Grade

Welcome toChildren & Families Ministry
Welcome toChildren & Families Ministry

We believe we are building a foundation for life-long faith development as we take your precious little ones into our care on Sunday mornings; however, we the church are only a small part of the equation.  Our purpose is to help support you, as parents, grandparents, and guardians, in raising your children in faith.

Caring and trained adults and youth members welcome your child into a clean and inviting environment that is set up for experiencing the presence of God and His love for them.

Nursery care is available in our recently renovated nursery during the 9:30 and 11:00 services on Sunday mornings. Nursery care is for babies – preschoolers who are not yet potty-trained and is led by our Nursery Coordinator, Zoe Chirakos Zuccaro.
Kids Small Groups meet in person on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 11:00 during worship. Children in preschool (potty-trained) – 5th grade are invited to participate.
Families are invited to check in at their classrooms. At 9:30, Preschool and Kindergarten meet in room 214 and grades 1-5 are in room 216. At 11:00, all children are in room 214.

Join us for Kids’ Morning Out (KMO), a fun and safe enrichment program for kids aged 3-5 (slightly under 3 is ok; all must be potty trained or potty training). The program runs Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon; families can choose to do one or both days. Kids will enjoy singing, dancing, arts and crafts, stories, and playtime, with a small snack provided (bring your own drink and optional snack, no nuts). KMO is led by our nursery coordinator, Zoe Zuccaro.

The vision of the Northwest Children’s Garden is growing healthy children and families by together growing good food to share with neighbors. The mission is to extend God’s extravagant hospitality by growing and sharing fresh produce to those with food insecurities, to educate and encourage youth on growing and harvesting food, and to teach families in our community how to implement environmental and sustainable gardening practices in their own homes. Through this mission, we hope to strengthen the connection we have with our neighbors, church members, and our faith in God as we work together in and for the garden.

In the garden, we grow fruits, vegetables, herbs, and more. Children and families participate in caring for the garden throughout the growing season, and the produce that is harvested is delivered along with the Blessing Bags to provide fresh food along with non-perishable food items to families on the Brown Bag Lunch route.

Children’s Choir is a chance for kids in Kindergarten-5th grade to gather and sing together. They practice on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in the music room (late September-early May) and they share their music in worship a few times during the year. Children’s Choir is led by Brian and Barbara Luke.

Get In Touch

We are excited to have you visit our community of faith! For more information about children's ministries, please use the form below to contact Doris Ing, Pastor of Family Ministries.

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Other Resources

Online Ministry
Online Ministry is here to stay! Here are some ways to connect with our Children’s Ministries online:

Facebook Group

Join our Northwest Kids Facebook Group to stay connected with what’s happening in the Children’s and Family Ministry.

Craft Videos

Visit our YouTube page here for craft videos with Ms. Jeannine

2020 Online Vacation Bible School

Because our 2020 Vacation Bible School was all online, it is still available on YouTube. The theme was Happy Campers. Sing, learn, and do crafts with us. The VBS video playlist can be found here: Happy Campers VBS.
Safe Sanctuary

As a United Methodist Congregation, we adhere to the Safe Sanctuary Guidelines.  A brief overview is as follows: there will be 2 teachers in a classroom, or 1 teacher with a floater in the hallway; all teachers must be willing to have background checks performed (and all of our teachers have clear checks); and we will not release children from Nursery-5th grade to anyone that the parent has not specifically identified to us as an approved pick-up person.

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