This Week at Northwest
Use the button below to access the bulletins for all our services this weekend. The first page is our announcements for the week, followed by orders of worship for each service – just scroll to find the right service.
September Newsletter
Our monthly newsletter is a great way to stay up to date with what is happening at Northwest. To receive this in your email each month, scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign up for our emails.
Do Unto Others
September 8- October 6 we will be participating in a 5-week series about how we can live the words of Jesus to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12) in an election season that is divisive and politically polarized. We will focus on the ideals of kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love. Be sure to follow us on social media and click the button below for ideas on how to apply these values in your daily life.
Get Connected
Fall is a great time to get connected. This guide includes information about small groups, children and youth ministries, music ministries, and missions and outreach. Contact the church office if you have questions.
Garden Party
Mark your calendar! We will celebrate the end of the summer growing season as well as the beginning of all our fall ministries with a Garden Party on Sunday, September 8 from 4-6 p.m. There will be food, music, games for children – something for everyone! All are welcome. Signing up is appreciated so we can be sure to have enough food. Find more information and the sign up by clicking the button below.
Mexico Mission Trip
Are you interested in a trip to Mexico to serve at Casa de Misericordia? A team from Northwest is planning to return to the Casa on November 14-18, 2024. This is a mission immersion experience where participants will learn about systemic poverty and the power of a faith community that provides holistic support in addition to spending time with the children and giving respite to the adults of the house.
Church for All People Breakfast
We serve breakfast at the Church for All People on the 4th Sunday of each month, as well as on the 5th Sunday when there is one. Our next dates are September 22 and 29. Donations and volunteers are needed.
NNEMAP Pantry Item
Each month we collect a specific item for the NNEMAP Food Pantry. This September we are collecting hot and cold cereals. These can be brought anytime during the month and placed in the shopping cart in the Hall.
Mountain T.O.P. Fall Mission Trip
This October 24-27 a group of moms from our community will be going to the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee to serve with their Fall Festival Community Event. Plans include assisting with the distribution of shoes, clothes, and food. Watch for opportunities to support this team including a bake sale on September 29.
Request Prayer
Share your joys and concerns; we would be honored to pray with you.