Serve at Northwest

Serve at Northwest

As a community, part of the role of the church is to care for each other in times of need, whatever those may be. If you are looking to care for others, this is a great place to find information about some of the ways you can get involved; contact the church office for more information. If you or someone you know needs some extra support, please let us know how we can help.

Grief Ministry Support


When families have a loved one that has died, Northwest UMC is often selected as the location for the funeral service, memorial service and/or funeral luncheon.  Our goal is to provide consistent support for our families by creating a team of people who are able to provide greeting and direction to those attending a service; provide desserts for meals; or help in setting up, serving or cleaning up for the meal.  If you are interested in serving in this way, you are welcome on the team in any of these roles.  We realize not everyone will  be available for each funeral, so we keep a list of people interested so we can find enough each time.

Meal Train

There are times when we all need some tangible support and having meals provided following a surgery, the birth of a new baby, when we are grieving, or any other time of transition can be extremely helpful. The Meal Train was designed to provide just that service.

Media Team

Do you enjoy technology and serving behind the scenes? No experience is required to serve as part of the media team; we will provide all necessary training. The media team provides behind the scenes support to worship services and other special events by running sound, slides, livestream, and more. Members of the media team also sometimes work outside events like weddings, funerals, and banquets, and are paid for their time in these instances. We are always looking to add more depth to our media team.


Music is a way that many people connect with God and we have some incredible musical talent at Northwest. There are opportunities in music ministries for all ages and a variety of genres, so if you have musical talents to share, we’d love to have you.

Adult Choir

The adult choir sings at the 9:30 service September – May and rehearses at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday evenings in the music room. In addition to Sunday anthems, the choir leads the entire worship service several times a year, usually around Christmas and Easter and in May for Music Sunday. The adult choir is led by director Brian Luke.

Praise Band

The praise band leads worship at the 11:00 Gathering service each Sunday. The band rehearses on Sundays at 9:45am before the service at 11. Our Praise Band Leader is Phil Nagy.


JuBellation, the handbell choir, plays periodically throughout the year.  Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:15 in room 213, September-May.


One way that we connect to God and care for each other is through prayer. We share what is on our hearts, our joys and concerns, with each other and with God. We believe that prayer is powerful, and we would love to pray for you and for you to join us in praying for each other.

Learn More About Prayer Ministries

Stephen Ministry

Life can be overwhelming sometimes. Maybe you could use someone who is a good listener to help you sort things out. Northwest has a team of Stephen Ministers who are called and trained to listen, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are facing challenges or going through tough times. Their care is confidential, free, and helpful. We also hold trainings as needed to add to this team.

Ushers and Greeters

All are welcome. It is something we say all the time, and greeters and ushers are part of the team that makes it happen by welcoming everyone at the door and helping those who need assistance during worship services.

Online Worship Host

In the building we have ushers and greeters, and online we have online worship hosts who participate in the chat making sure those who worship online experience our welcome. This is a great way for those who worship online to serve in our church community.

Hospitality Hosts

Hospitality hosts pick up the donuts on Sunday morning and prepare the serving counter in the Hall with refreshments between service.

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